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Patrick Swayzes död utnyttjas av hackers

Inuits partner Sophos går ut och varnar för att hackers har skapat webbsidor med skadlig kod med syfte att infektera datoranvändare som söker efter mer information om Patrick Swayzes död.

Fortsättning på engelska:

Whilst the entertainment world mourns his loss, heartless hackers are taking advantage of the hot news story by setting up booby-trapped webpages containing information about the actor, which automatically trigger fake anti-virus (also known as scareware) warnings.

Cybercriminals are using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to ensure that the sites appear high up on search engine rankings. Innocent internet users scouring the net for more information on the actor are then being sent to websites hosting malicious code.

Once on these sites, Patrick Swayze fans will see fake virus warnings and a recommendation to download bogus anti-virus software. When the malware is installed on a PC or laptop, users risk hackers defrauding them out of their credit card details.

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, has created a short video to demonstrate how infection occurs, which can be embedded on blogs and news websites:


"The cybercriminals are no slackers when it comes to jumping on a trending internet topic and this is not the first time we have seen hackers taken advantage of the news agenda. The same tactic was used after the death of Natasha Richardson and on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack last week. As these criminals become more professional in spreading their fake anti-virus scams, consumers and businesses must be on top of their security game. The question to ask is - are you being equally expert in keeping your security up-to-date and your wits about you when you surf the net?" explained Cluley.

"If you're running a business, you need to have in place protection that automatically scans the websites in the background as your staff visit them. You simply cannot trust that the search results they click on in any single day will not lead them to malicious webpages deliberately planted by a cybercriminal."

About Sophos
More than 100 million users in 150 countries rely on Sophos as the best protection against complex threats and data loss. Sophos is committed to providing security and data protection solutions that are simple to manage, deploy and use and that deliver the industry's lowest total cost of ownership. Sophos offers award-winning encryption, endpoint security, web, email, and network access control solutions backed by SophosLabs-a global network of threat intelligence centres. With more than two decades of experience, Sophos is regarded as a leader in security and data protection by top analyst firms and has received many industry awards.

About Inuit
Inuit is a Value Added Distributor specialized in corporate IT security and system management. We offer "simple and smart" products for email, web and endpoint in order to solve critical business problems. The main vendors we work with are ManageEngine, M86 Security, Sophos, NewBoundary, BeyondTrust, Blockmaster, Safend, Bit9

For more information and pricing please contact:
Markus Arvidsson
Marketing Manager at Inuit AB
070-645 01 38




Markus Arvidsson

Markus Arvidsson

Presskontakt Marketing Manager Marknadsföring och PR 08-753 05 10 Mer om Markus Arvidsson

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