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Derek Malber, Microsoft MVP, på ManageEngine Användarkonferens.
Derek Malber, Microsoft MVP, på ManageEngine Användarkonferens.

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Windows security: Now is the time to take action

Derek Melber, Active Directory MVP och Technical Evangelist på ManageEngine ger en introduktion till vad han kommer att prata om på sina sessioner om Windows säkerhet på ManageEngine Användarkonferens 2016 den 5-6 oktober.

ManageEngine is dedicated to helping organizations better understand, configure, and maintain the security settings required to help protect Active Directory and Windows servers. We've been touring the world this year to spread the word, and have visited over 15 countries so far!

We will continue to bring solutions and security products to you in 2016 and beyond. During our seminars, workshops, user conferences, and other events, we've been focusing on the key security areas within Active Directory and Windows that are often not secured as properly as they should be. Here are the key security areas we've been focusing on:

  • Password policy, including fine-grained policies for multiple password policies in the same domain.
  • Authentication protocols, with a specific focus on eliminating LanManager and NT LanManager, if possible.
  • Protecting against password attacks such as pass-the-hash.
  • Privileged access, including built-in groups and application or service groups, which grant immediate privileges.
  • Service account security to ensure these accounts are secured, protected, and monitored for any changes to keep services running.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting for key security changes in Active Directory.

We have developed easy, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to ensure that these security areas are configured, maintained, and monitored so that all IT employees can keep track of them.

We have also developed an online portal to help all organizations report, analyze, configure, and monitor these and other security changes that occur within your Windows environment. You can access our security hardening web site here, which provides incredible insight, easy to follow solutions, and unique access to our years of security insights.

I hope to see you at ManageEngine User Conference in Stockholm October 5

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